Author: superadmin

Stress – 4 scientific findings that will change your life
1.️ Stress shuts down the prefrontal cortex This is important, so please read it again: stress shuts down the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is our ‘rational brain’. It enables us to regulate our thoughts, actions and emotions. Under stress, the fight or flight response, our limbic system, a more primitive part of the brain, takes over. As long as the limbic system is in charge, we will act reactively, habitually and instinctively. This means that stress impairs complex, flexible thinking, learning and the processing of new information, while the ability to perform simpler and more habitual tasks improves. We switch to autopilot. This can save our lives when fast and automatic responding is needed but is really not what […]

What remains unsaid
In our day-to-day decisions, we are strongly influenced by what others say and do, but that, the behaviour of others that we can observe, is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. What lies beneath the surface, the drivers for behaviour, is equally important. As any seafarer knows, it’s the ice below the surface that sinks ships. This metaphor, the iceberg, is often used in relation to understanding behaviour and organisational culture. There are many variations of the iceberg model, but the general idea is that the conscious behaviour that we can observe – what people say and do – is just a small part of what’s relevant, the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface are our beliefs and […]