External confidential counselor


Together with Charlotte Wout, Suzanne Sikkink fulfills the role of external confidential counselor under the banner of VP&. Suzanne and Charlotte are both formally certified (LVV registered confidential counselor).1

VP&’s philosophy is that the role of confidential counselor is only effective if it is linked to a broad (systemic) vision on governance, collaboration, culture, communication and dynamics in teams. VP& offers the opportunity to use a wide range of services in these areas. One ‘window’, one goal: detecting and minimizing risks early.

Culture and behavioral change are not easy to manage. It takes credibility and experience to quickly get to the heart of the matter and to start a conversation about problem areas, especially when it concerns a blind spot for the people involved. This dialogue will result in a stronger organization with more alignment and more engagement. Well-known themes are trust, safety, (personal) leadership and ownership. Professionals ask for a professional counterpart with proven experience. VP& offers this.

VP& combines high-quality, tailor-made services with in-depth knowledge and extensive experience with leadership, behavioral change and the applicable legal frameworks. VP& brings, with Charlotte Wout (Bear In Mind) and Suzanne Sikkink (CORE People), more than 50 years of relevant professional experience and a broad network of specialized partners.

VP& understands the complexity in which organizations operate, which gives confidence: VP&, when Trust Matters.

View confidential counselor certification

1 LVV Code of Conduct (in Dutch) en LVV Complaints Handling Regulations (in Dutch)

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